Since the 2021 salmon season opening there’s been a few salmon caught in the lower regions of the rivers this March which is encouraging.

Spring Salmon

After lockdown its fabulous to see fisher’s out on the river in search of that elusive silver bar of spring salmon, I think this difficult period reminds us of how much we value our sport.

If your travelling to Devon for your holiday this year there’s lots of options available to the travelling angler looking for some salmon fishing. We have access to some absolutely cracking beats on the Taw, Tamar and Exe, even with lower river levels in summer with the right tackle and approach salmon can be caught.

The rivers in our region differ massively, we have lowland rivers that carry sediment and colour quickly on a summer spate, we also have crystal clear moorland rivers that change from a placid place of beauty to a raging dangerous river that needs the up most respect.

Our salmon season differs slightly with a few opening in February but the majority opening March the 1st and season close’s September the 30 or October the 14th, there are a few exceptions that end a little later in October.

With rivers falling and no significant rain forecast salmon will be slow to ascend our rivers, on a positive the trout fishing has been very good the last week and hopes are high for later in April. With the recent very welcome warm spell of tee shirt weather disappearing and North Easterly winds its time to get the layers on again.